Common FAQs
我想查看 US/UK/EU 尺碼對照表,該去哪裡找呢?
I’m looking for a shoe size guide for US / UK / EU sizes, where do I find it?
您可以在每個商品頁面的上方、尺碼選項底下找到我們的詳細尺碼指南。該指南提供EU、US 和 UK尺碼的轉換對照,幫助您選擇最合適的尺碼。
請注意,結帳時顯示的尺碼將始終為EU 尺碼。
但別擔心,這與您選擇的UK 或 US 尺碼是對應的,因此您選擇的尺碼完全無需擔心不合適!
You can find our detailed size guide at the top of every product page, right below the sizing options. The guide provides sizing conversions for EU, US, and UK sizes to ensure you pick the right fit.
However, please note that during checkout, the size displayed will always be in EU sizing.
Don’t worry though—this corresponds directly to the UK or US size you selected, so your fit will remain the same!
請注意,結帳時顯示的尺碼將始終為EU 尺碼。
但別擔心,這與您選擇的UK 或 US 尺碼是對應的,因此您選擇的尺碼完全無需擔心不合適!
You can find our detailed size guide at the top of every product page, right below the sizing options. The guide provides sizing conversions for EU, US, and UK sizes to ensure you pick the right fit.
However, please note that during checkout, the size displayed will always be in EU sizing.
Don’t worry though—this corresponds directly to the UK or US size you selected, so your fit will remain the same!
Do you offer returns and exchanges?
是的!所有國際訂單 30 天提供退貨服務,讓您輕鬆無憂地嘗試 Anothersole。詳情請到我們的運送與退貨頁面。
Yes! With easy 30-day returns on all international orders, you can try Anothersole with minimal risk. To learn more, visit our Shipping and Returns page.
Yes! With easy 30-day returns on all international orders, you can try Anothersole with minimal risk. To learn more, visit our Shipping and Returns page.
What’s the difference between the styles?
我們的鞋款,例如 Anytime Flats,無論使用何種材質,均採用相同的鞋楦設計。
Our shoes like the Anytime Flats use the same shoe last across all materials. Broadly speaking, our bestselling classics are evergreen and limited editions stocked in limited quantities. We source premium leathers from tanneries all over the world and some of them produce for luxury brands of Europe. We also have very limited runs of unique prints and colors which tend to sell out quickly. You can see the product details on every product page.
Our shoes like the Anytime Flats use the same shoe last across all materials. Broadly speaking, our bestselling classics are evergreen and limited editions stocked in limited quantities. We source premium leathers from tanneries all over the world and some of them produce for luxury brands of Europe. We also have very limited runs of unique prints and colors which tend to sell out quickly. You can see the product details on every product page.
What materials do you use?
我們的皮革定期按照歐洲標準進行檢測,確保產品對您和環境安全無害。 此外,我們也計劃在未來的產品中引入植物基與再生材質(如植物基鞋墊、再生橡膠、再生包裝等)。
We use cow and goat leather for most of our shoes and we do not use any pig leather in our products. Our leathers are routinely lab tested to the European standards to ensure our products are safe for you and the environment. We are also looking to introduce plant based and recycled materials (Plant based footbed, recycled rubber, recycled packaging etc) in our product roadmap ahead.
We use cow and goat leather for most of our shoes and we do not use any pig leather in our products. Our leathers are routinely lab tested to the European standards to ensure our products are safe for you and the environment. We are also looking to introduce plant based and recycled materials (Plant based footbed, recycled rubber, recycled packaging etc) in our product roadmap ahead.
What’s so special about your shoes?
我們花了多年時間完善鞋款的設計。大多數顧客喜愛穿著 Anothersole,因為它超輕便、外型美觀且非常容易搭配。許多顧客告訴我們:“這是他們穿過最舒適的鞋子。”
我們相信自己是全球少數能提供多達 150 種顏色選擇的品牌,讓您輕鬆找到理想的鞋款。唯一的問題是,穿上后會讓人上癮!
It took us many years to perfect the shoes. Most customers love wearing Anothersole because they are super lightweight, pleasing to the eyes and truly versatile. Many tell us “They’re the most comfortable shoes they’ve ever worn”. We believe we are the one of the few brands in the world to have up to 150 colors in a shoe and you will find your perfect pair easily. There’s just one problem, it’s addictive.
It took us many years to perfect the shoes. Most customers love wearing Anothersole because they are super lightweight, pleasing to the eyes and truly versatile. Many tell us “They’re the most comfortable shoes they’ve ever worn”. We believe we are the one of the few brands in the world to have up to 150 colors in a shoe and you will find your perfect pair easily. There’s just one problem, it’s addictive.
The shoes I want are sold out. What can I do?
You can select "NOTIFY ME" on each product page and leave your email address. You will receive an email if that item is restocked.
You can select "NOTIFY ME" on each product page and leave your email address. You will receive an email if that item is restocked.
My question isn’t answered here. How can I get help?
請發郵件至customerservice@anothersole.com或在Anothersole.com 給我們留言。
Email us at customerservice@anothersole.com or message us on Anothersole.com!
Email us at customerservice@anothersole.com or message us on Anothersole.com!
What if I have SUPER WIDE feet?
If you have feet that is much wider than the average person, we recommend you shoes from these 2 collections:
The leather in these series are softer and more pliable compared to the other leather type, they can accommodate wide feet better.
If you have feet that is much wider than the average person, we recommend you shoes from these 2 collections:
The leather in these series are softer and more pliable compared to the other leather type, they can accommodate wide feet better.
What if I have narrow feet?
我們的 Anytime Flats 專為適應各種腳型而設計,包括窄型腳也能輕鬆穿著。
Our Anytime Flats are designed to fit a wide range of foot shapes, including narrow feet. For people with narrow feet, this is not a problem because overtime, the soft, stretchable leather molds to your foot over time, ensuring a snug and comfortable fit. Simply tighten your shoelaces and you should have a snug fit when walking! If you have specific concerns about sizing for narrow feet, reach out to us for personalized advice.
Our Anytime Flats are designed to fit a wide range of foot shapes, including narrow feet. For people with narrow feet, this is not a problem because overtime, the soft, stretchable leather molds to your foot over time, ensuring a snug and comfortable fit. Simply tighten your shoelaces and you should have a snug fit when walking! If you have specific concerns about sizing for narrow feet, reach out to us for personalized advice.
What payment methods do you accept?
我們接受多種付款方式,讓您的購物體驗更加便捷,包括信用卡(Visa、MasterCard、AMEX)、PayPal、Apple Pay 和 Google Pay。
We accept a variety of payment methods to make your shopping experience convenient, including major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, AMEX), PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay. You can choose the option that works best for you at checkout!
We accept a variety of payment methods to make your shopping experience convenient, including major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, AMEX), PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay. You can choose the option that works best for you at checkout!
Is your leather/material sustainably sourced?
是的,我們在每個製程中都優先考量可持續性。我們的皮革來自通過皮革工作組 (LWG) 金級認證的製革廠,這是環境責任的最高標準。
此認證確保 Anothersole 鞋款所使用的材料在加工過程中對環境影響降至最低,並遵循嚴格的用水管理、廢棄物處理及化學品使用規範。因此,當您穿上我們的鞋子時,不僅享受到高品質,還支持了道德和可持續的生產實踐。
為了讓您更了解此認證的需求,製革廠要獲得皮革工作組 (LWG) 的金級認證,必須在多個關鍵營運領域中達到嚴格的環保標準。 以下是主要的評估標準:
1) 用水與處理: 製革廠必須在用水方面展現有效的利用,並具備適當的廢水處理能力。這包括減少用水量,並確保排放的水符合環境品質標準,以避免污染。
2) 能源使用: 製革廠必須透過採用節能措施及盡可能使用可再生能源,其目標是降低碳足跡並減少溫室氣體排放。
3) 化工處理:製革廠必須遵守嚴格的化學品使用及廢棄物管理規範。他們需確保安全處理、妥善存放並正確處置可能具有危害性的物質,以防止對環境的污染。
4) 廢棄物管理:要獲得金級認證,製革廠必須採取負責任的廢棄物管理措施,例如減少廢棄物的產生、盡可能回收材料,以及妥善處理不可回收的廢棄物。
5) 追溯性與透明度:製革廠必須提供其皮革材料的完整追溯記錄,以確保材料來源符合可持續性的條件。這種透明度能確保整個皮革供應鏈符合道德與環境標準。
6) 社會責任:除了環境議題外,金級認證還要求製革廠確保安全的工作環境、公平的勞工待遇,並支持員工的福祉。
能獲得金級認證是一項卓越的標誌,表示該製革廠已超越 LWG 所訂立的最高可持續性與環境責任標準。
這也意味著 Anothersole 鞋款所使用的皮革來自全球最負責任的製革廠。
Yes, we prioritize sustainability in every step of our process. Our leather is sourced from tanneries certified Gold by the Leather Working Group (LWG), the highest standard for environmental responsibility.
This certification ensures that the materials used in Anothersole shoes are processed with minimal environmental impact, following strict guidelines for water usage, waste management, and chemical use. So, when you wear our shoes, you're not only enjoying premium quality but also supporting ethical and sustainable practices.
Just to give you context, to achieve Gold certification by the Leather Working Group (LWG), tanneries must meet stringent environmental standards across several key areas of their operations. Here are the main criteria they are assessed on:
1. Water Usage and Treatment: Tanneries must show efficient use of water resources and proper wastewater treatment. This includes minimizing water consumption and ensuring that any water discharged meets environmental quality standards to avoid pollution.
2. Energy Consumption: Tanneries must reduce their energy usage by implementing energy-efficient practices and using renewable energy sources where possible. The aim is to lower their carbon footprint and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
3. Chemical Management: Tanneries need to adhere to strict guidelines on the use and disposal of chemicals. They must demonstrate safe handling, storage, and proper disposal of potentially hazardous substances to prevent contamination.
4. Waste Management: To achieve Gold certification, tanneries must implement responsible waste management practices, such as minimizing waste production, recycling materials where possible, and ensuring safe disposal of any non-recyclable waste.
5. Traceability and Transparency: Tanneries must provide full traceability of their leather materials, ensuring that they come from sustainable sources. This transparency ensures that the entire leather supply chain is monitored for ethical and environmental standards.
6. Social Responsibility: In addition to environmental concerns, the Gold standard requires tanneries to ensure safe working conditions, fair labor practices, and support for the welfare of workers.
Achieving Gold certification is a mark of excellence, indicating that the tannery has surpassed LWG’s highest benchmarks for sustainability and environmental responsibility.
This means that the leather in Anothersole shoes comes from some of the most responsible tanneries in the world.
此認證確保 Anothersole 鞋款所使用的材料在加工過程中對環境影響降至最低,並遵循嚴格的用水管理、廢棄物處理及化學品使用規範。因此,當您穿上我們的鞋子時,不僅享受到高品質,還支持了道德和可持續的生產實踐。
為了讓您更了解此認證的需求,製革廠要獲得皮革工作組 (LWG) 的金級認證,必須在多個關鍵營運領域中達到嚴格的環保標準。 以下是主要的評估標準:
1) 用水與處理: 製革廠必須在用水方面展現有效的利用,並具備適當的廢水處理能力。這包括減少用水量,並確保排放的水符合環境品質標準,以避免污染。
2) 能源使用: 製革廠必須透過採用節能措施及盡可能使用可再生能源,其目標是降低碳足跡並減少溫室氣體排放。
3) 化工處理:製革廠必須遵守嚴格的化學品使用及廢棄物管理規範。他們需確保安全處理、妥善存放並正確處置可能具有危害性的物質,以防止對環境的污染。
4) 廢棄物管理:要獲得金級認證,製革廠必須採取負責任的廢棄物管理措施,例如減少廢棄物的產生、盡可能回收材料,以及妥善處理不可回收的廢棄物。
5) 追溯性與透明度:製革廠必須提供其皮革材料的完整追溯記錄,以確保材料來源符合可持續性的條件。這種透明度能確保整個皮革供應鏈符合道德與環境標準。
6) 社會責任:除了環境議題外,金級認證還要求製革廠確保安全的工作環境、公平的勞工待遇,並支持員工的福祉。
能獲得金級認證是一項卓越的標誌,表示該製革廠已超越 LWG 所訂立的最高可持續性與環境責任標準。
這也意味著 Anothersole 鞋款所使用的皮革來自全球最負責任的製革廠。
Yes, we prioritize sustainability in every step of our process. Our leather is sourced from tanneries certified Gold by the Leather Working Group (LWG), the highest standard for environmental responsibility.
This certification ensures that the materials used in Anothersole shoes are processed with minimal environmental impact, following strict guidelines for water usage, waste management, and chemical use. So, when you wear our shoes, you're not only enjoying premium quality but also supporting ethical and sustainable practices.
Just to give you context, to achieve Gold certification by the Leather Working Group (LWG), tanneries must meet stringent environmental standards across several key areas of their operations. Here are the main criteria they are assessed on:
1. Water Usage and Treatment: Tanneries must show efficient use of water resources and proper wastewater treatment. This includes minimizing water consumption and ensuring that any water discharged meets environmental quality standards to avoid pollution.
2. Energy Consumption: Tanneries must reduce their energy usage by implementing energy-efficient practices and using renewable energy sources where possible. The aim is to lower their carbon footprint and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
3. Chemical Management: Tanneries need to adhere to strict guidelines on the use and disposal of chemicals. They must demonstrate safe handling, storage, and proper disposal of potentially hazardous substances to prevent contamination.
4. Waste Management: To achieve Gold certification, tanneries must implement responsible waste management practices, such as minimizing waste production, recycling materials where possible, and ensuring safe disposal of any non-recyclable waste.
5. Traceability and Transparency: Tanneries must provide full traceability of their leather materials, ensuring that they come from sustainable sources. This transparency ensures that the entire leather supply chain is monitored for ethical and environmental standards.
6. Social Responsibility: In addition to environmental concerns, the Gold standard requires tanneries to ensure safe working conditions, fair labor practices, and support for the welfare of workers.
Achieving Gold certification is a mark of excellence, indicating that the tannery has surpassed LWG’s highest benchmarks for sustainability and environmental responsibility.
This means that the leather in Anothersole shoes comes from some of the most responsible tanneries in the world.
請説明什麼是 30 天退款保證?
Can you explain your 30-day money-back guarantee?
我們爲您提供 30 天退款保證,確保您對購買的產品完全滿意。
如果您對鞋子不滿意,您可以在收到訂單後 30 天內退回,前提是商品未經穿著且保留原始包裝。我們將為您辦理全額退款。
We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee to ensure you’re fully satisfied with your purchase.
If for any reason you’re not happy with your shoes, you can return them within 30 days of receiving your order, provided they are unworn and in their original packaging. We will process a full refund.
Your satisfaction is our priority!
如果您對鞋子不滿意,您可以在收到訂單後 30 天內退回,前提是商品未經穿著且保留原始包裝。我們將為您辦理全額退款。
We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee to ensure you’re fully satisfied with your purchase.
If for any reason you’re not happy with your shoes, you can return them within 30 days of receiving your order, provided they are unworn and in their original packaging. We will process a full refund.
Your satisfaction is our priority!
What outfits can I wear your shoes with during different seasons?
我們 Anytime Flats 多元化的設計,是您全年穿著的最佳搭配。
無論是什麼季節或場合,我們的 Anytime Flats 都能提升您的穿搭品味,讓您輕鬆展現精緻風格!如果您有其他疑問,歡迎隨時聯繫我們!
Our Anytime Flats are designed for versatility, making them the perfect addition to your wardrobe across all seasons. Here are some outfit ideas:
No matter the season or occasion, our Anytime Flats will elevate your outfits and ensure you look effortlessly put together! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!
- 春夏季節:搭配清新的連身洋裝、輕盈的裙子或剪裁合身的短褲,展現清爽又具女性魅力的造型。非常適合野餐、休閒出遊或海灘漫步。
- 秋冬季節:搭配剪裁合身的長褲、牛仔褲或緊身褲,再加上舒適的毛衣或時尚外套,輕鬆展現品味。無論是白天在外辦事,還是晚上參加活動,都能讓您保持舒適與時尚。
無論是什麼季節或場合,我們的 Anytime Flats 都能提升您的穿搭品味,讓您輕鬆展現精緻風格!如果您有其他疑問,歡迎隨時聯繫我們!
Our Anytime Flats are designed for versatility, making them the perfect addition to your wardrobe across all seasons. Here are some outfit ideas:
- Spring/Summer: Pair them with pretty sundresses, lightweight skirts, or tailored shorts for a fresh and feminine look. They’re perfect for picnics, casual outings, or beach strolls.
- Fall/Winter: Style them with tailored trousers, jeans, or leggings, complemented by cozy sweaters or chic jackets. They can easily transition from daytime errands to evening events, keeping you comfortable and stylish.
No matter the season or occasion, our Anytime Flats will elevate your outfits and ensure you look effortlessly put together! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!
我可以將 Anytime Flats 當作工作鞋穿嗎?
Can I wear Anytime Flats to work as a work shoe too?
當然可以!我們的 Anytime Flats 不僅時尚,還專為全天舒適而設計,是作為工作鞋的絕佳選擇。其簡約流線的設計能輕鬆搭配多種職場穿搭,無論是剪裁合身的長褲與襯衫,還是鉛筆裙與洋裝,都能完美匹配。
採用高級皮革製作並配有符合人體工學的鞋墊,Anytime Flats 提供長時間站立所需的支撐,讓您整天保持舒適與專注。無論是在正式的辦公室環境還是更休閒的工作場合,Anytime Flats 都能讓您展現得體與專業的形象。
此外,Anytime Flats 的多功能特性讓您能從辦公室輕鬆銜接到下班後的各類活動,毫無違和感!
Absolutely! Our Anytime Flats are not only stylish but also designed for all-day comfort, making them an excellent choice for work shoes. Their sleek silhouette pairs well with a variety of professional outfits, from tailored trousers and blouses to pencil skirts and dresses.
With premium leather construction and ergonomic footbeds, they provide the support needed for long hours on your feet, ensuring you stay comfortable and focused throughout the day. Whether you're in a formal office setting or a more casual work environment, our Anytime Flats will keep you looking polished and professional.
Plus, their versatility means you can transition seamlessly from the office to after-work events!
採用高級皮革製作並配有符合人體工學的鞋墊,Anytime Flats 提供長時間站立所需的支撐,讓您整天保持舒適與專注。無論是在正式的辦公室環境還是更休閒的工作場合,Anytime Flats 都能讓您展現得體與專業的形象。
此外,Anytime Flats 的多功能特性讓您能從辦公室輕鬆銜接到下班後的各類活動,毫無違和感!
Absolutely! Our Anytime Flats are not only stylish but also designed for all-day comfort, making them an excellent choice for work shoes. Their sleek silhouette pairs well with a variety of professional outfits, from tailored trousers and blouses to pencil skirts and dresses.
With premium leather construction and ergonomic footbeds, they provide the support needed for long hours on your feet, ensuring you stay comfortable and focused throughout the day. Whether you're in a formal office setting or a more casual work environment, our Anytime Flats will keep you looking polished and professional.
Plus, their versatility means you can transition seamlessly from the office to after-work events!
How long do genuine leather shoes last?
Genuine Leather shoes can lasts for years.
High-quality leather develops a patina over time, which not only adds character but can also enhance its durability. This process involves the leather becoming more supple and soft while maintaining its strength, making it more comfortable as it ages.
With proper care, leather shoes can be a long-term investment, providing comfort and style for many years!
Genuine Leather shoes can lasts for years.
High-quality leather develops a patina over time, which not only adds character but can also enhance its durability. This process involves the leather becoming more supple and soft while maintaining its strength, making it more comfortable as it ages.
With proper care, leather shoes can be a long-term investment, providing comfort and style for many years!
Anothersole 是如何能以如此優惠的價格售賣真皮革鞋?
How is Anothersole able to price genuine leather shoes at this price point?
Anothersole 能夠以極具競爭力的價格提供高品質的全粒面真皮鞋款,讓您感受到真正的物超所值。相比奢侈品牌動輒超過 $1,000 的相同材質與製程,我們相信每個人都應該能以實惠的價格享受到高端鞋履的品質。
透過刪除一般奢侈品牌相關的高額開支,我們將節省下來的成本直接回饋給您。選擇 Anothersole,您不僅僅是在購買鞋子,而是用實惠的價格擁有奢華品質的鞋款。
Anothersole is able to offer high-quality genuine full grain leather shoes at a remarkably competitive price, making it feel like a true bargain. While luxury brands charge $1,000 or more for similar materials and construction, we believe that everyone deserves access to premium footwear without breaking the bank.
Our approach focuses on streamlining our business model and cutting out unnecessary costs. Instead of pouring money into extensive marketing campaigns, celebrity endorsements, and high-rent billboard advertising in upscale shopping districts, we invest our resources into crafting exceptional shoes.
This means that our costs are primarily dedicated to sourcing the highest quality leather and materials to ensure durability, comfort, and style.
By eliminating these extravagant expenses associated with luxury branding, we can pass those savings directly on to you. With Anothersole, you’re not just purchasing shoes; you’re getting an incredible deal on luxury-quality footwear.
Enjoy the sophistication and craftsmanship without the luxury price tag, and treat yourself to a bargain that elevates your wardrobe!
透過刪除一般奢侈品牌相關的高額開支,我們將節省下來的成本直接回饋給您。選擇 Anothersole,您不僅僅是在購買鞋子,而是用實惠的價格擁有奢華品質的鞋款。
Anothersole is able to offer high-quality genuine full grain leather shoes at a remarkably competitive price, making it feel like a true bargain. While luxury brands charge $1,000 or more for similar materials and construction, we believe that everyone deserves access to premium footwear without breaking the bank.
Our approach focuses on streamlining our business model and cutting out unnecessary costs. Instead of pouring money into extensive marketing campaigns, celebrity endorsements, and high-rent billboard advertising in upscale shopping districts, we invest our resources into crafting exceptional shoes.
This means that our costs are primarily dedicated to sourcing the highest quality leather and materials to ensure durability, comfort, and style.
By eliminating these extravagant expenses associated with luxury branding, we can pass those savings directly on to you. With Anothersole, you’re not just purchasing shoes; you’re getting an incredible deal on luxury-quality footwear.
Enjoy the sophistication and craftsmanship without the luxury price tag, and treat yourself to a bargain that elevates your wardrobe!
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- 捐款比例:10% 利潤
- 目標:向有需要的兒童捐贈 100 萬美元