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Make Good Do Good

Anothersole 的核心與靈魂
The heart and soul of Anothersole


Our purpose is to create a positive impact on your wardrobe, in your hearts and in the world beyond fashion. So, walk with us as we Make Good and Do Good every single day.

Making Good 做好產品

We Are Perfectionists


In the last five years, we’ve focused on improving our signature lace-up flats because we’re obsessed with making them perfect. Now we’ll do the same with our sustainable handbags. Trust that we’ll work on perfecting every single detail of our timeless essentials before we expand our range of products.

Making Good Even Better

顧客是我們品牌的靈魂,我們非常重視您的意見。自經典綁帶鞋款首次推出以來,已經通過您的寶貴反饋進行了三次重大升級。最新版本採用了更舒適的版型、抓地力更佳的再生橡膠鞋底,以及更符合腳型、更具支撐力的鞋墊。而第 4.0 版本正在研發當中!

Our customers are the soul of our brand and we take your thoughts seriously. Our signature lace-ups have undergone three major upgrades since they first launched thanks to your excellent feedback. The latest version features a more relaxed fit, recycled rubber soles with better grip and a contoured, more supportive footbed. And, Version 4.0 is in the works!

Only The Finest

我們僅與通過皮革工作組 (LWG) 認證的負責任製革廠合作,這些製革廠符合環保認證標準,並供應全球最頂級的皮革。想像那種柔軟如奶油般的皮革,能完美貼合您的雙足,隨著時間逐漸展現迷人的自然光澤。您的雙足值得擁有這份道德與奢華兼具的品質。

We work only with responsible tanneries certified by the Leather Working Group (LWG) who comply with environmental certification standards and supply some of the most luxurious leathers in the world. Think buttery soft leather that molds to your feet and ages with a beautiful patina. Your feet deserve ethical luxury.



We Are Perfectionists

In the last five years, we’ve focused on improving our signature lace-up flats because we’re obsessed with making them perfect. Now we’ll do the same with our sustainable handbags. Trust that we’ll work on perfecting every single detail of our timeless essentials before we expand our range of products.


顧客是我們品牌的靈魂,我們非常重視您的意見。自經典綁帶鞋款首次推出以來,已經通過您的寶貴反饋進行了三次重大升級。最新版本採用了更舒適的版型、抓地力更佳的再生橡膠鞋底,以及更符合腳型、更具支撐力的鞋墊。而第 4.0 版本正在研發當中

Making Good Even Better

Our customers are the soul of our brand and we take your thoughts seriously. Our signature lace-ups have undergone three major upgrades since they first launched thanks to your excellent feedback. The latest version features a more relaxed fit, recycled rubber soles with better grip and a contoured, more supportive footbed. And, Version 4.0 is in the works!


我們僅與通過皮革工作組 (LWG) 認證的負責任製革廠合作,這些製革廠符合環保認證標準,並供應全球最頂級的皮革。想像那種柔軟如奶油般的皮革,能完美貼合您的雙足,隨著時間逐漸展現迷人的自然光澤。您的雙足值得擁有這份道德與奢華兼具的品質

Only The Finest

We work only with responsible tanneries certified by the Leather Working Group (LWG) who comply with environmental certification standards and supply some of the most luxurious leathers in the world. Think buttery soft leather that molds to your feet and ages with a beautiful patina. Your feet deserve ethical luxury.


行善助人 Doing Good


在商務之外,我們致力於帶來改變。我們承諾將 10% 的利潤用於改善全球困境兒童的生活。通過精心篩選的慈善機構,為兒童提供直接的幫助,我們致力於建設可持續理念的社區,讓孩子們得以茁壯成長

Beyond business, we aspire to make a difference. We commit 10% of our profits to improving the lives of children in need, around the world. Through carefully selected charities that benefit children directly, we help to build sustainable communities in which children can thrive.

Toward Sustainability


Creating consciously means thinking about the impact we make in communities and the environment. We take active and concrete steps to continuously improve our process, our practices and to source more sustainable materials.